Crazy cat lady, you say? Guilty as charged. This black and white cat dress was love at first sight. Meow.
Plus Size Cat Dress

Is this not the cutest damned dress you’ve ever seen? Well, I thought so, anyway! Snagged it at Ross nearly two years ago and finally, finally bringing it out of the closet!
The brand is a mystery to me. Tag says “A.U.W.”, so I Googled and found out the company is called As U Wish. It’s apparently a boutique brand found in department stores like Macy’s, Belk, Kohl’s, etc. I’d never heard of it before.
The material is exactly like Torrid’s “challis” fabric, which is amazingly light and breathable. But, on the downside, no stretch. The back is fully smocked, though, so up top is perfectly fitted, with adjustable straps, too.
I’m really glad I got some photos in it because it’s just cute as hell. But I’m trying to force myself to purge my closet down to reality.
Sadly, I’ll probably never wear it again, and I’d rather see it loved and appreciated properly. So, with a bittersweet farewell, it’s now available on Poshmark.
These Boots, Though

Previously seen here.
It’s time to talk about the baddest boots I’ve ever found at a thrift shop, y’all.
From Time and Tru brand (Walmart), I’m thinking from last year or beyond, amazing high contrast black and white lug boots. Found ’em NWT, pristine, at A Second Chance Thrift Store for only $10.
If my personality were a boot, I think it might be this one.
Best of all, they’re surprisingly comfortable.

Coming soon… a comprehensive review of the Yitty shapewear shorts that are hiding under this dress!